A hardwearing and elastic pore filler with good resistance against aggressive bases, acids and solvents.
For pore filling on porous and absorbent floors, e. g. linoleum, clinker and stone, also on plastic floors with rubber content.
Product properties
Lino forms an elastic and hardwearing film in the floor. Provides a water-resistant protective coating and has good resistance against aggressive bases, acids and solvents. Lino is not diffusion-proof but ”breathable”, additional moisture can penetrate the product. Lino is not destroyed at removal of surface protecting product (polish or wax), it remains on the floor as a secure protection. A Lino-treated floor needs no new complete treatment for 8-10 years.
Not for use on wooden floors, rubber floors and plastic floors. After pore filling, the floor should be surface treated with wax or polish. Important! When using Lino for pore filling, always follow the instructions in separate treatment data sheets for specific floor materials, TREATMENT DATA SHEETS.
Instructions for use - Preparation for treatment
Polish-treated floors should always be cleaned and de-waxed with Gipeco Polish Remover Dipex so that all polish is removed prior to pore filling; this is necessary to enable Lino to penetrate the pores. Carefully observe the instructions on the label about dosing, acting time etc. The surfaces shall be left to dry afterwards! 6 % residual moisture at the maximum may remain in the floor prior to pore filling. It is best to allow linoleum floors to dry overnight, other floors can dry in a couple of hours. Too short drying time reduces the quality of the final result as moisture is sealed into the floor.
Instructions for use - Pore filling
Scour the floor with a machine, using a 50/50 mixture of Lino and cold water. Use a low-speed single disc machine and a brown disc pad. Important! Lino should be worked – "massaged" into the floor. Work in two – or more – directions, three times over the same area so that no part of the floor is left untreated. Work over small areas to prevent the working solution from drying! Then vacuum the floor dry with a wet vacuum cleaner. Do not rinse. If streaks appear, damp mop with water and even out. Very porous and absorbent floors require additional pore filling – let the floor dry until ”walking dry” – then apply a generous layer of Lino concentrate. In places where Lino has dried in in 8-10 minutes (completely or in patches), more Lino should be applied until the entire surface is ”saturated”. Important! Apply only the quantity of Lino that can be absorbed into the floor, not more. Lino should then be left to harden in the floor. The hardening time varies within 45-75 minutes, depending on the climate in the room. Dry grind the floor surface in two – or more – directions with a coarse disc pad so that all Lino on top of the floor surface is removed and the surface is ”matte” and even. Turn and/or change the disc pad often! If the surface becomes ”shiny”, the hardening time has been too long. In such case, use a max 80 grit grinding mesh on linoleum floors. Remove the grinding dust by vacuuming and damp mopping with clean water. The floor should then be surface-treated with a film-forming product - wax or polish.
Product information/Protection regulations
See the material safety data sheet.
Store in a cool place or at room temperature. Protect from freezing.
Storage stability is at least two years in unopened packaging.
Not classified.